Promote the application of economic theory and methods to the examination of sport organizations, sport markets, and sport policy.
Embody a formal and global network of sports economics researchers, institutions, and individuals interested in the practice and outcomes of sports economics research.
Foster an environment of critical evaluation and evidence-based analysis of sport and sport-related institutions and policy with the aim of improving the governance of sport.
Facilitate opportunities for the universal exchange of ideas and enquiries among researchers in sports economics and related fields.
Disseminate research results from within academia to provide relevant information to policy-makers and representatives beyond university circles.
Article 1 - Purpose and Mission
See "IASE Mission Statement" above.
Article 2 - Members
The Executive Committee will define membership conditions and details.
2-1 Conditions of membership
A. Full members
The Centre for Law and Economics in Sport, as the founder member.
Research centres, university or otherwise, specializing in sports economics, sports business and governance, and/or sports policy analysis.
Individual researchers specializing in sports economics, sports business and governance, and sports policy analysis.
B. Student members
University students with interests in sports economics are welcome to join the Association.
Included are undergraduate, graduate and PhD Students.
2-2 Details of membership
In order to become a full member, the applicant must:
Apply via the IASE website membership page.
Pay dues, the amount of which is fixed by the General Meeting at the Executive Committee’s instigation. The dues amount may be €0, or may be collected as a portion of the conference registration fee.
Student members will not be charged dues.
Individual members supply a curriculum vitae or professional résumé.
Declare its statutes (legal body)
Article 3 - Governance
3-1 The General Meeting (GM)
A. Occurrence
The GM of the Association will take place at the biannual international conference. The meeting will comprise all members present.
In alternating meetings (each four years), the GM will facilitate elections of the Executive Committee.
B. Competence
All Association business unresolved and new.
Proposals and initiatives may be introduced by any member in person or by proxy.
Business will be approved by majority vote as described in section 3-1C.
C. Votes
Decisions will be taken according to the majority of the votes cast by those people present or represented.
A full member might represent a maximum of 5 proxy votes.
The GM will elect the members of the Executive Committee at alternating meetings.
The Executive Committee may be elected as a bloc or each office may be voted upon separately.
3-2 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
The EGM can be called by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee or at the request of at least 50% of full paid members.
Convening must be presented at least 3 months before the EGM can be called.
Only the EGM can change the statutes and location of the association’s headquarters and office.
Decisions of the EGM will be taken by a majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes of members present or represented.
3-3 The Executive Committee
A. Composition
1. The Executive Committee is made up of 7 members; included are the elected positions:
a. The President of the Association
b. Four Vice-Presidents of the Association
c. Secretary-General of the Association
d. Treasurer of the Association
2. The President and Vice-Presidents will represent collectively the international regions served by the Association.
a. Each of the four specified regions must be represented on the Executive Committee.
b. A maximum of two officers from any one region can serve as President or Vice-President at once.
c. Regions: (4) Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, and South America,
d. Expansion of regions beyond four shall consider diversity issues.
3. Election
a. The Executive Committee will be elected at the GM each four years by a majority of votes. Officers may be elected to successive terms.
b. Executive Committee decisions will be taken by a majority of votes.
4. Competence
a. The Executive Committee will administer the association with regard to its statutes and its direction as defined by the GM.
b. The Executive Committee ensures the daily management and administration of the association. It has wide powers available in order to carry out the mission, as well as representing the association in relation to third parties concerning its statutes and general direction, as defined by the GM.
5. Executive Committee members will submit annual reports to the members to be made available on the website:
a. The President will issue a State of the Association Report.
b. Each Vice-President will report on activities within their region.
c. The Treasurer will issue a financial report.
d. The Secretary-General will facilitate dispersion of reports to the membership and the online posting of reports.
6. Executive Committee Meetings
Executive Committee meetings will be held as required to facilitate the Association objectives, at least twice per year. Meetings may be held by telephone or electronically. The President, or the Secretary-General with the agreement of the Executive Committee, may call the meetings.
3-4 The Board of Advisors (Honorary Ex-Officio)
A. Composition
B. The Board of Advisors will be made up of the past and invited former Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Association
C. Competence
Members of the Board of Advisors will be available, at their pleasure, for consultation with the Executive Committee with regard to the business, direction and initiatives of the Association.
Article 4 - Working Languages
The official working languages of the association are French and English. All work and documents exchanged within the association or produced by the association should be in one of the two languages
Article 5 – Finances and other Resources
In particular, the association’s resources will be as follows:
a. Members’ dues.
b. Products from events organised by the Association.
c. Gifts, legacies, sponsorship, grants, etc.
d. Works of reference, magazines, etc.
e. And any other resources compatible with the purpose of the association.
Article 6 – Scientific Events
6-1 The association will organize:
A. One International Conference at least once every two years;
B. Seminars on specific policy topics in intermittent years;
C. The Association may jointly organize conference sessions with ESEA, NAASE or WEAI Pacific Rim.
6-2 The association could also provide the following resources, amongst others:
A. Internet forums
B. Magazine
C. Symposia
D. etc.
Article 7 - Code of Practice
Membership of the present Association implies acceptance of the code of practice principles that govern research and publication activities, as well as respect for the sporting ethics.
The Executive Committee could suggest sanctions against any member breaching the present article, even going as far as expulsion. The GM decides on such sanctions by a majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes of members present or represented.
Article 8 - Headquarters
The headquarters and office services will be established at the Centre for Law and Economics in Sport.
Office services will be carried out by the Centre for Law and Economics in Sport.