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22nd Annual Meeting of the German Association of Sport Economics and Sport Management in Munich, May

Host Chair of Sport and Health Management (Technical University of Munich) and German Association of Sport Economics and Sport Management e.V.

Theme of main conference (May 25-26) Innovation economics and management in sport

There is empirical evidence that innovation and human capital promote economic growth. This is also true for the sports industry. Current research deals with the situational and personal factors that influence innovation as well as innovation outcomes for the society. Further analyses and forecasts are needed in sports, particularly against the background of the European club system, volunteer engagement as well as political and sport-related challenges. The conference aims at capturing the many innovations in sports as well as the antecedents and effects. It also aims at helping stakeholders make predictions for the future.

Keynote Johann Füller (University of Innsbruck).

Scientific committee Christian Deutscher (University of Bielefeld), Eike Emrich (Saarland University), Gregor Hovemann (University of Leipzig), Jörg Königstorfer (Technical University of Munich), Tim Pawlowski (University of Tübingen), Holger Preuß (University of Mainz), Sebastian Uhrich (GSU Cologne).

Abstract submission In addition to the conference theme the conference is open to all areas of sport economics and management. An abstract (12-point font, maximum of 600 words) should be sent to until January 31, 2018. Abstracts written in English passing the blinded review process will be accepted for English-speaking track presentation at the conference (notification on March 1). The official conference language is German.

PhD workshop (May 24-25) Prior to the conference a PhD workshop (organized by Sebastian Uhrich, GSU Cologne) will take place at Technical University of Munich. Please register via email (see above) until January 31, 2018 and state the topic of your PhD thesis (title can be work in progress). The workshop is highly interactive. It is appreciated if you hand an abstract of the work that you have done so far (see above).

Please visit the following website for more information:

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